
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

We HEART Hort Park

Jordy and I took a wonderful afternoon walk to nearby Hort Park yesterday. He loved the fresh air and exercise, and the cool swing ride with mum in the shade. Can't wait for him to be able to try out the many amazing playgrounds there - think it's going to provide much entertainment in the months to come!

Oh and have I said how much he enjoys music? Here's us at our usual post-breakfast morning ritual. He seems to enjoy Bach and Beethoven most. Still trying to get him used to Gershwin but he tends to get squirmy. He's a little hobbit in the making though, judging from his response to the LOTR theme tune!

1 comment:

maree said...

You and jordy will be able to do a LOTR concerto with Finnie when you come over!
Isn't Hort park fun - he'll love the Wizard of Oz Garden when he's a little older