
Monday, October 20, 2008

Butt Naked in Starbucks (or, Why I Needed a Good Bath on Sunday)

Happy in Daddy's strong arms

Jordy has pulled a first in the Turnip family. An accident in the Vivo City changing rooms of the liquid kind, plus mummy naively going into change him only with a spare diaper and some wet wipes meant that when the crisis occurred, we had NO spare outfit for the little man, and NO mobile! Which meant that me and a sans clothes Jordy had to sneak back into Starbucks where Daddy was waiting (ok, he did have a diaper on but butt naked just has a nicer ring to it)!

Bath time is perfect contemplation time...

We attempted a walk in Sentosa but thethunder, lightning and rain forced us back after just a few minutes. But think Jordy liked what he saw...

My very own Baywatch men!

And the weekend also marked Jordy's first outgrown outfit. He's now over 6kg and is busting out of the cute sky blue tiki onesie from Mama Maree. To commemmorate this occasion, we will ensrhine the outgrown outfit (once it's out of the wash after said accident at Vivo City!) in the special Jordy box of momentoes I am starting for him!

Err Jordy, the Beach Volley Ball babes are hangin out in the other direction...

1 comment:

maree said...

L.O.L!!! ( did you hear me! ) especially the last wee caption! Dora, these blogs are competition there one?? Absolutely delightful - made my day xxx