
Monday, October 13, 2008

Jordy's First Immunisation (or, Santa's Little Helper Gets Jabbed)

Santa's Little Helper... Peacefully asleep after his first experience with the needle!

We did it! Or rather, I think the outfit did it!

Poor little Jordy had to get immunised today - he had two jabs simultaneously in both thighs. One was the 6-in-1 jab, and the other for pneumococcus, AND also an oral dose of the thingamajig for Rotavirus.

While daddy held him tight, two lovely, gentle nurses at KK's The Private Children's Clinic immunised him. He cried for a total of five seconds (we'd never heard that cry before, a mixture of "I'm in PAIN!" and "What the @$!#?". At the risk of sounding a bit evil, it was very, very cute!), then promptly fell asleep!

Jordy, two minutes after the jabs

Then we had to stay on for while before administering the Roravirus one orally, so the three of us went to McDonalds (terrible I know... but for some perverse reason, I like the Wasabi Filet O Fish,) then went shopping for a bit at the KK Mall. Bought a great mesh cover thingy for this stroller to ward off mozzies and other stingy bugs.

And then Jordy slept all the way home in the car, even after we dropped daddy off back at work! And I didn't have to sing nursery rhymes at the top of my voice!

Oh well, I'm monitoring the little man's temperature now. So far, he's been just a champ!

ps: Highlight was meeting one of the nurses that took our antenatal class! She took one look at the cutie and said, "He looks like daddy!". That's what everyone says. Sigh...


maree said...

He's got your brilliant smile darling.

Unk Dicko said...

Cried for 5 seconds and just stopped...huh unbelievable!
Looks like he is going to be a tough young man.

JY said...

Jordy is so brave to go through all that in one day!